
Carddle is a new type of greeting card publisher. Our aim is to spread happiness through the sale of lovely, little greeting cards.


Making a living as an artist is tough. Carddle aims to spread happiness by giving artists a place to showcase their work and earn an income from it. A guaranteed 10% from each card sold goes straight to the artist, and artists also have the potential to earn unlimited tips from generous customers. We hope that many more artists will be able to support themselves through their work by contributing to Carddle.


Giving What We Can logo

Carddle aims to spread happiness by selling charity cards. To maximise the happiness we spread this way, we've chosen to collect donations on behalf of the charities recommended by Giving What We Can, an international society dedicated to promoting effective altruism. Using the latest research into the effectiveness of charitable activities, Giving What We Can evaluates charities and recommends the ones it finds to be the most cost-effective. Their recommended charities are currently:

  • Against Malaria Foundation
  • Schistosomiasis Control Initiative
  • Deworm the World Initiative
  • Project Healthy Children

To find out more about Giving What We Can's recommended charities, please click here.